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Helping preserve the planet through environmentally responsible decisions that affect both our business and you, are top of mind for us. From reducing food waste in our stores to sending less plastic and packaging to landfills, we’re looking at various ways to reduce our environmental impact now and for generations to come.

Our goal: Create a better future by building on our commitment to do OurPartTM to protect the planet. Here are some of the ways we can make this happen, together.

Care for our planet

Caring for our planet

We're dedicated to reducing our environmental footprint by embracing the responsibility we have to take action on climate change. To do this, we're working to reduce food waste as well as plastics and packaging in our stores and on our shelves.

Care in our products

Care in our products

We’re calling on everyone in our supply chain to help us bring more environmentally friendly, ethical, and sustainable practices and products to life at Sobeys. From the ingredients in our Compliments and Panache product ranges to encouraging our suppliers to use packaging alternatives.

Sobeys offers Fairtrade certified products
Sobeys offers Fairtrade certified products

Sobeys offers Fairtrade certified products

At Sobeys, we’re doing OurPart™ to support and empower farmers and workers by offering products which are certified as Fairtrade. The Fairtrade certification helps ensure businesses are committed to better living standards, working conditions, and wages for producers, and which have a positive impact on the environment.

Learn More Learn More Fairtrade

Seafood Sustainability
Fish in water on hook on a sunny day with trees in the background

Seafood Sustainability

We’re proud to offer sustainable products at Sobeys, and as part of that we use third party certifications and recommendations, such as Ocean Wise, to help inform and educate shoppers about their purchases. You can count on making ocean-friendly choices by looking for the Ocean Wise logo next to fish and seafood items in our Seafood Department or on packaging at your local Sobeys store.

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Food Rescue
Woman holding surplus produce in box from grocery store

Food Rescue

Apart from Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, we’ve added a fourth “R”: Rescue. Our hope is that we inspire Canadians to rescue food in their own home with tips and tricks to help you enjoy more taste and produce less waste.

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Supplier partners in a field shaking hands
Supplier partners in a field shaking hands

Supplier Partnerships

We’re always on the lookout for fresh ideas and value local, Canadian products. We work with local producers, growers, and suppliers across Canada t fill our store shelves with items that support local. We partner with suppliers who share our passion for innovating to find better choices for our customers and communities.

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To serve you better, Sobeys is introducing 360Health Pharmacy & Wellness, our digital pharmacy service.

We will re-direct you to where you can learn more about our services, manage your prescriptions, and book appointments all in one convenient place.


Check Out Our NewMobile App

A Fresh way to find savings

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